EE 311 - The Real Reason I Quit Ryanair - Michael Corcoran - Former Head of Social at Ryanair

Michael Corcoran walked away from one of the most coveted jobs in marketing after building one of the world's most respected social media brands.


We hear the real story of the explosive split that caused Michael and most of his team to walk out on their jobs at Ryanair.

Michael also gives us a masterclass in the secrets that generated 2 billion organic impressions in just 18 months. 

Ever wondered how to craft content that truly resonates with your audience? Michael spills the beans on how to effectively reach and engage audiences through understanding their needs, wants, and motivations. He also gives us a peek into the strategy behind Ryanair's "always on" content.

Michael's innovative approach focuses on timing, speed, and a pre-planned, coordinated strategy rather than purely reactive content. The final part of our chat revolves around Michael's transition to a consultancy role, his insights into the potential and challenges of various social media platforms, and the impact of social media on businesses and individuals.

From Treads to Instagram and TikTok, Michael discusses his experiences and perspectives on these platforms. His invaluable advice for entrepreneurs and business owners highlights the importance of maintaining professionalism and integrity. You can't afford to miss this enlightening episode, so tune in for a wealth of insights into the dynamic world of social media.



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